St. John the Baptist - Polar Plunge Registration  

Ages:  10-up
Cost:  $30 donation (includes t-shirt)
Cost:  $10 donation (plunge only)
T-shirt: $25

Dec 1- Jan 9 - Pre-Registration:
Pre-register online by clicking the link:
or by mail to St. John the Baptist (forms listed below).
(Pre-order t-shirts online or by mail by Dec. 22th to guarantee size.)

Click on link, download, and print out forms:

:  Donations and t-shirts may be pre-paid via credit/debit card or ACH (checking/savings account) withdrawal at Our Sunday Visitor by clicking on GIVE NOW at:

Vote Now:  Check out the team page to vote for the person(s) you want to see take the plunge.

Donations paid and t-shirts purchased on day of event, by check or cash only. 

Jan 10th - Polar Plunge:
Registration: 10:00am
Plunge: 10:30am-11am 

All proceeds will go to Feed My Sheep Project, kids night out with Jesus bible study, at St. John the Baptist Church. 

Mail forms to St. John the Baptist or drop off at the rectory:
5567 Gildehaus Rd,
Villa Ridge, MO 63089

Inclement weather date:  Jan. 17th, 2026